
Books rock.

The FWBC will meet once each quarter. A host organization will be selected, allowing different members to showcase their office and present about themselves to foster community awareness and interactivity. Networking and friendships are a focus, not a byproduct. Bringing new faces to meetings is highly encouraged!

Members of the FWBC will agree to read the selected book before the meeting. The commitment to going through the book is based out of respect for oneself and the rest of the group. A new book will be selected at the conclusion of each meeting and posted to the website.

The meetings will be focused around the content of the books. A loose framework of questions will be developed, but the mainstay of discussion will be around the question “what stood out to you?” The group will guide the discussion.

It is up to the individual to apply the content from the books to their lives, but the responsibility of the group to hold each other accountable. By partnering book club members up with a partner mutual growth is ensured.